How to understand Ukulele Chord Diagram in 2 minutes

As a beginner, it's good to be acquainted with the ukulele chord diagrams. It's something that you need to be comfortable with when you practice new chords.

If you want to learn faster, these chord boxes are your friendly guide to make your life easier to master a chord.

Here's a quick lesson to help you understand how it goes:

It may look complicated but the image below will show you how easy it is to read the chords.

Ukulele chord diagram

The chord box on the lower left is showing you the C7 chord.

Now, go ahead and hold your Ukulele upright and take a look at the frets. You can easily see the similarities to the diagram. The horizontal lines refer to the frets while the vertical lines represent the strings.

The C7 chord diagram is showing the dot placed at the first fret on string number 4. You can play this chord with any finger of your choice but ideally, it makes sense to use index finger to allow an easy transition from one chord to another.

Quick tip:

Always consider the transition from one chord to another whenever you place your finger on each string. This will depend on the way the chords are stacked up in the song you are trying to learn.

There you have it, you just learned how to easily read the chord diagram in 2 minutes. Take note that not all chord diagrams will show which finger to use so you have to keep practicing to allow yourself to find which finger is more comfortable to use on each string.

Now go ahead and learn the Ukulele basic chords for beginners.

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